Virtual Earthquake
An interactive Web-based activity determening
an earthquake’s EPICENTER & MAGNITUDE
Rock Identifier: Stone ID App
An AI based app to identify rocks, minerals,
crystals, & gems
- use with caution, remember GIGO -
RockD App
Instant access to geologic and geographic
summaries of your current GPS location
identifying the geology you are standing on
The Exam Primer
How to be more successful taking exams
Mineral Identification
Online mineral ID key from the Mineralogical
Society of America
Grain Size Classification
Grain Size Classification Chart of Clastic
Sedimentary Rocks. Very Detailed!
Erupt 3.0 Volcano Simulator
Old 32-bit Volcanic Eruption simulator. Most
likely abondonware. Still works with Win11.
Things that might come in handy
Below is a collection of resources. There is no guarantee that these work and I can’t give technical support.