Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Earth & Atmospheric Science - Office SI2025
Campus Box 22 - P.O.Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362
Phone: (720) 257-4486
Kackstaetter, U.R., 2019, Manual of Rapid Mineral Identification - Volume I: Mineral ID Tests and Determinations, Earthscience Education LLC - Ingram Sparks, 77 Color Graphics, pp. 121, ISBN 9780982058022
Kackstaetter, U.R. (Author & Presenter) and EchoHawk, B. (Author), 2016, Success as a Smaller Fish in a Big Pond: A Holistic Approach to Undergraduate Geologic Education as a Competitive Advantage for Securing Post-Baccalaureate Opportunities. Denver, CO: GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, Paper 187-1, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 48, No. 7 doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-287879
Kackstaetter, U.R. (Author & Presenter), 2016, The Rock That Cried Silver Tears - The Early Jurassic Springdale Sandstone and its Unusual Precious Metal Mineralization at Silver Reef, UT Revisited. Santa Fe, NM: AIPG (American Institute of Professional Geologists) 53rd annual conference proceedings, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17384.26889
EchoHawk, B. and Kackstaetter, U. R., 2016, Roadside faults, folds, fossils, crystals, and diamond pipes—Sampling the geologic diversity of northern Colorado. In: Unfolding the Geology of the West, Eds.: Keller, S.M. and Morgan, M.L. GSA Field Guides 2016, Geological Society of America, Volume 44, Chapter 11, pp 247-266, DOI:10.1130/2016.0044(11).
Robinson, K. H. (Poster Presenter) and Kackstaetter, U. R., 2015, The Origin of a Layer of Subcircular Mudflakes in the Ross Sandstone Formation of County Clare, Ireland. Abstract EP13A-0939 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 14-18 Dec.
Kackstaetter, U.R. (Author & Presenter), 2015, Value of International Geologic Field Experience for Emerging Undergraduate Geoscientists. Anchorage, AK: AIPG (American Institute of Professional Geologists) 52nd annual conference proceedings.
Kackstaetter, U.R. (Author & Presenter) and Kackstaetter, R.L. (Author), 2015, Development and Feasibility of an Automated Percolation Tester for Infiltration and Waste Water Disposal System Assessments. Anchorage, AK: AIPG (American Institute of Professional Geologists) 52nd annual conference proceedings, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31644.90243.
Kackstaetter, U.R. (Author & Presenter) and EchoHawk, B. (Author), 2015, Development of a Competitive Undergraduate Geoscience Degree Program by a Teaching Institution of Higher Education with Limited Resources. Anchorage, AK: AIPG (American Institute of Professional Geologists) 52nd annual conference proceedings.
EchoHawk, B., Hay, C.M., Kackstaetter, U.R., Todd, S., 2014, Participating in Undergraduate Geoscience Research Builds Skills that Employers Value. The Professional Geologist, Vol. 51, No. 3, p. 55 - 60, AIPG, Colorado. Article Link
Kackstaetter, U.R., 2014, Rapid Inexpensive Portable Specific Gravity Determination of Rocks and Minerals for Use in Field and Laboratory Work. The Professional Geologist, Vol. 51, No. 2, p. 56 - 60, AIPG, Colorado. Article Link
Kackstaetter, U.R., 2014, SEDMIN - Microsoft Excel™ spreadsheet for calculating fine-grained sedimentary rock mineralogy from bulk geochemical analysis. Central European Journal of Geosciences, Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 170–181, Springer. DOI: 10.2478/s13533-012-0170-3
Kruger, F., Kackstaetter, U.R., EchoHawk, B., Cronoble, J., 2013, EFFECTS OF ACID SOLUTIONS ON THE ARBUCKLE FORMATION OF NORTHERN OKLAHOMA. Poster Presentation. GSA 125th annual conference, Oct. 27-30 2013, Denver, Colorado.
Gallegos, S. & Kackstaetter, U.R., 2013, New Suspected Kimberlite - Northern Colorado. Poster Presentation. AIPG 50th annual conference. Oct 23-26 2013, Broomfield, Colorado.
Evans, A., & Kackstaetter, U. R., 2011, Assessing Transitions of Pre-Service Elementary and Secondary Science Teacher’s Views Towards Science and Science Pedagogy during an Alternative Licensure Program.. Glenside, PA: Institute of Elemental Ethics and Education.
Kackstaetter, U. R., 2011, MEASURING SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF MINERALS using THE RAPID FIELD-DENSIMETER and NOMOGRAPH. (pp. double page trifold brochure). Denver, CO: Earthscience Education LLC & MSCD EAS Professional Project.
Kackstaetter, U. R. , 2010, RAPID MINERAL IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM using Simple Physical Tests & ID Tables. (pp. 24). Denver, CO: Earthscience Education LLC & MSCD EAS Professional Project.
Kackstaetter, U. R., 2010, Colorado Front Range Self-guided Geology Field Trips. (pp. 17). Internet: Scribd
Kackstaetter, U. R., 2010, Fluorescent Mineral Determination. (pp. 1). Internet:
Kackstaetter, U. R., 2009, HOW MUCH TIME SHOULD I STUDY? HOW MUCH TIME SHOULD I SPEND ON AN ASSIGNMENT? “A little student study-time estimator”. (Pp. 1). Colorado: Earthscience Education LLC; downloadable PDF.
Kackstaetter, U. R. , 2009, 19th Annual Teaching for a Change Conference “Taking Learning to the Edge”, Presentation: "Using Interactive & Audio-Visual Technologies for Classroom Teaching & Grading," Teaching For A Change, Flagstaff, AZ.
Kackstaetter, U.R., 2008, Physical Geology Laboratory e-Manual. 1st ed., Earthscience Education LLC, ISBN-13 978-0-9820580-0-8, 138 p.
Kackstaetter, U.R., 2005, Contaminant diffusion and sorption of an artificial leachate in selected geologic barriers of Frankonia, Bavaria, Germany . Doctoral Dissertation in Progress. Submitted to Department of Geology at the Julius-Maximilians-University, Würzburg, Germany.
Kackstaetter, U.R., 2002, Geologic Survey of the Crystal Meadow Subdivision Property near Berthoud, Colorado, South-Eastern Larimer County. Report submitted to Colorado Geological Survey and Larimer County Zoning and Planing, 32 p.
Kackstaetter, U.R., 2002, Preliminary Stormwater Plan & Report (including Seasonal Reservoir Evaluation) for Crystal Meadow Subdivision Property near Berthoud, Colorado, South-Eastern Larimer County. Report submitted to Larimer County Engineering, 25 p.
Kackstaetter, U.R., 2002, Geologic Survey of the Panoramic View Subdivision Property near Berthoud, Colorado, South-Eastern Larimer County. Report submitted to Colorado Geological Survey and Larimer County Zoning and Planing, 26 p.
Kackstaetter, U.R., & Udluft, P., 1997, Diffusion und Adsorption anorganischer und organischer Schadstoffe innerhalb ausgewählter geologischer Einheiten - Statusbericht, BayForrest Statusseminar, Munich, Bavaria, Oct. 97, Vol. 6, p.228-235
Kackstaetter, U.R., & Heinrichs, G., 1997, Validity of Low-Cost Laboratory Geochemistry for Environmental Application - Water, Air & Soil Pollution 95, p. 116-131.
Kackstaetter, U.R., Heinrichs, G. & Udluft, P., 1996, Why Pay More? Application & Quality of Low-Cost Geochemical Exploration Laboratory Analysis for Environmental Investigations -Grundwasser und Rohstoffgewinnung, FH-DGG, Freiberg, Sachsen, Germany, p. 232-236
Heinrichs, G. & Kackstaetter, U.R., 1995, Geochemische Untersuchung an der Tiefbohrung Staffelstein II, Geol. Bl. NO-Bavaria, Germany, No. 45, Vol. 1-2, p.1-10
Kackstaetter, U.R. & Udluft, P., 1995, Diffusion und Adsorption anorganischer und organischer Schadstoffe innerhalb ausgewählter geologischer Einheiten in Beziehung zu Petrographie und Mikrostruktur - BayForrest Statusseminar, Munich, Bavaria, Oct. 95, Vol. 4, p. 331-337
Kackstaetter, U.R., Heinrichs, G., & Udluft, P., 1994, The Use of Low-Cost Exploration Geochemical Analysis for Environmental Monitoring and Assessment of Arsenic and Heavy-Metal Contaminated Sites - Second International Symposium & Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central & Eastern Europe, Sep. 20-23, 1994, Budapest, Hungary p. 100-102
Kackstaetter, U.R., 1990, Stratigraphy, Petrology, Geochemistry, and Diagenesis of the Early Jurassic Springdale Sandstone, Shivwits, Washington County, Utah Masters Thesis, BYU HELL Library, 122 p.
Kackstaetter, U.R., Proctor, P.D., & Peterson, P.R., 1989, Mineral-Rock Handbook - Macmillan Publishers, New York, 256 p.